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ue5 小知识点 命令行编译 虚幻工程

[苦行僧] 2023-06-15 08:00:02
简介ue5 小知识点 命令行编译 虚幻工程

echo off

set projectPath="Z:Abv_landAboveLand.uproject"
set enginepath=Z:Abv_Land_Engine

set /P check="Do you want to build binaries from Engine : %enginepath% [Y/N]"

if /I "%check%" EQU "Y" goto :continue
if /I "%check%" EQU "N" goto :End

del *.sln
rmdir /s /q .vs
rmdir /s /q Binaries

set /P choice="Do you want CleanBuild :[Y/N]"

if /I "%choice%" EQU "Y" goto :cleanbuild
if /I "%choice%" EQU "N" goto :regularbuild

rmdir /s /q Intermediate
rmdir /s /q DerivedDataCache

goto :regularbuild


set    UVS="%enginepath%EngineBinariesWin64UnrealVersionSelector-Win64-Shipping.exe"
set UBT="%enginepath%EngineBinariesDotNETUnrealBuildToolUnrealBuildTool.exe"

attrib -r %projectPath%

echo Swicthing project to %enginepath%

%UVS% /switchversionsilent %projectPath% %enginepath%

echo Generating project files

%UVS% /projectfiles %projectPath%

echo Compiling project

%UBT% Development Win64 -Project=%projectPath% -TargetType=Editor -Progress -NoHotReloadFromIDE

attrib +r %projectPath%

goto :End


