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WA_自动机 2024-07-13 12:01:02





#在hive中创建数据库 mydb

create database mydb;

#使用数据库 mydb

use mydb;


create table moviecleaned(movie_name string,boxoffice string, box_rate string, sessions string, show_count_rate string, avg_number string, attendance string, total_boxoffice string, movie_days string,current_time string,releaseDate string) 
row format delimited fields terminated by '	' 
stored as textfile;


load data local inpath '/data/workspace/myshixun/data/movies.txt' into table moviecleaned;


create table top10_boxoffice(movie_name string, boxoffice float) row format delimited fields terminated by '	' stored as textfile;


insert overwrite table top10_boxoffice 
select movie_name,max(round(total_boxoffice,1)) m 
from moviecleaned 
WHERE releaseDate like '2020%'  
group by movie_name  
limit 10;

第2关: 统计2020年国庆假期中电影票房增长最多的三部电影及其每日的票房数据


create table boxoffice_national_day(movie_name string, boxoffice float,dates string) row format delimited fields terminated by '	' stored as textfile;


insert overwrite table boxoffice_national_day 
select movie_name,boxoffice,current_time 
from moviecleaned 
WHERE movie_name in
(select t.movie_name from(select movie_name,sum(boxoffice) as n from moviecleaned WHERE current_time between '2020-10-01' and '2020-10-07' GROUP BY movie_name order by n desc LIMIT 3) as t) 
and  current_time between '2020-10-01' and '2020-10-07';



create table day_max_boxoffice(dates string, boxoffice float) 
row format delimited fields terminated by '	' stored as textfile;


insert overwrite table day_max_boxoffice 
select current_time,round(sum(boxoffice),2) as n 
from moviecleaned 
WHERE releaseDate like '2020%'  
group by current_time  
ORDER BY n DESC limit 10;



create table movie_boxoffice(movie_name string,dates string, boxoffice float) 
row format delimited fields terminated by '	' stored as textfile;


insert overwrite table movie_boxoffice 
select t.movie_name,moviecleaned.current_time,boxoffice 
from moviecleaned left join 
(select movie_name,current_time from moviecleaned WHERE movie_days="上映首日" and releaseDate like "2020%" GROUP BY movie_name,current_time) t 
on moviecleaned.movie_name=t.movie_name 
WHERE moviecleaned.current_time between t.current_time and DATE_ADD(t.current_time,+6) 
ORDER BY t.movie_name,moviecleaned.current_time;



create table festival_boxoffice(dates string,festival string, num int) row format delimited fields terminated by '	' stored as textfile;


insert overwrite table festival_boxoffice 
select split(current_time,'-')[2],case 
when  t.current_time  between '2020-10-01' and '2020-10-07' then 'national_day' 
when  t.current_time between '2020-01-01' and '2020-01-07' then 'new_year_day' 
else 'other' END as festival ,
cast(sum(num) as bigint) 
from (select current_time,avg_number*sessions as num from moviecleaned 
WHERE current_time between '2020-10-01' and '2020-10-07' or current_time between '2020-01-01' and '2020-01-07') t 
GROUP BY current_time;